Select your preferred registration category based on your academic or industry affiliation. While you have the option to finalize accommodation details later, we recommend completing both steps together for stability and potential cost savings, considering that accommodation rates may fluctuate and increase as the event date approaches.
Enjoy special discounts for groups of 3 or more from Academic Colleges/Universities or Organizations. For inquiries, please send your request to [email protected]
Explore sponsorship or exhibition opportunities at the conference by visiting the “Exhibitors & Sponsors” pages and choose to request the option to complete registration process.
Registration Categories
(Closes on June 30, 2025)
Registrations :
Academic Speaker | $699 |
Academic Student* | $599 |
Industry Speaker | $799 |
Delegate | $749 |
Registrations :
Academic Speaker | $799 |
Academic Student* | $699 |
Industry Speaker | $899 |
Delegate | $849 |
Accommodations: (Incl. Taxes)
Note: Please choose “Accompany Person” if you want double occupancy accommodation.
Dates represent Check-in & Check-out. For custom check in & check out dates please send an email to Conference Coordinator: [email protected]
Registration inicludes...
Academic Speaker:
- Oral presentation opportunity
- Access to all conference sessions
- Conference Kit
- Access to Exhibition Area
- Fee Meeting Room Wi-Fi
- Refreshment/coffee breaks
- Lunch on the conference days
- Certificate of oral presentation
- Publication of abstract in the conference souvenir
- Accepted abstracts will be published in conference proceedings.
Academic Student*
- Access to all conference sessions
- Access to Exhibition Area
- Conference Kit
- Fee Meeting Room Wi-Fi
- Refreshment/coffee breaks
- Lunch on the conference days
- Certificate of participation
Poster Presenter:
- Poster presentation opportunity
- Access to all conference sessions
- Conference Kit
- Access to Exhibition Area
- Conference Kit
- Refreshment/coffee breaks
- Lunch on the conference days
- Certificate of participation
- Certificate of poster presentation
- Access to all conference sessions
- Access to Exhibition Area
- Conference Kit
- Fee Meeting Room Wi-Fi
- Refreshment/coffee breaks
- Lunch on the conference days
Industry Speaker:
- Product representation opportunity
- Access to all conference sessions
- Display of Company Logo on Banner
- Conference Kit
- Access to Exhibition Area
- Fee Meeting Room Wi-Fi
- Refreshment/coffee breaks
- Lunch on the conference days
- Certificate of oral presentation
- Publication of abstract in the conference souvenir
- Accepted abstracts will be published in conference proceedings.
Virtual Participation:
- Access to all live conference sessions
- Virtual oral/poster presentation opportunity
- Access to Exhibition Area
- E-Posters will be displayed only on website.
Accommodation includes:
- Priority Check-in and Check-out
- Access to In-Room WiFi
- Access to Fitness Centre
- Access to Pool
- 24 Hours Reception.
Accompany Person:
- Accompany Person
- Refreshment/coffee breaks
- Lunch on the conference days
- Option to attend Accompanying Person Presenting session