Abstract Submission Guidelines

  • Title of the Abstract should be precise and clear
  • Title should be in ; Bold Times New Roman/Bold Aerial; font- 12
  • Abstract word limit maximum 250 only (Times New Roman/Aerial 12 font)

The order in the abstract should be

  • Title of the Abstract
  • Presenter* and Co-author names (For Ex: Laren John1*, David Sim2, Fred Smith3)
  • Affiliation (Institution/organization name, Country) (Should be in Italics Times New Roman/Aerial 12 font) (For Ex:1BBB University, USA; 2CCC Same Organization, Spain; 3AAA Institute, USA)
  • Contact Details of Authors (Official Email: [email protected], Alternative Email ID: [email protected], (Times New Roman/Aerial 12 font)
  • Abstract content {Max words limit 250}
  • Key words: Six to eight key words
  • Give biography of presenting author (Max words limit 250) and photograph

Give the following details of presenting author for certificate purpose.

  • Type of Presentation: Speaker Full Name

  • Designation & Affiliation, Country

  • Presentation Category: (Oral/Poster Presentation)

  • Work Email: [email protected]

  • Non Work Email: [email protected]

  • Contact Number: +1-xxx-yyy-zzzz

  • Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn details of all authors.

Speaker Guidelines:

Basic requirements for presentation

  • Presentation format: PDF or PPT
  • The language to be used for the presentation is English.
  • Presentation is time-limited (usually 20-25 minutes), and the speakers are requested to strictly follow the time limit
  • Number of slides should be minimum, and the videos, if any, should be compressed.
  • The content in each slide should be concise, uncluttered, and clear.
  • Presentation should be MAC compatible.
  • Preferred font style: Times New Roman, Arial, Courier, and Symbol (These are best presented on Macs).
  • Usage of personal laptops is not recommended unless under unavoidable conditions.

Keeping Presentation Ready for Conference

  • Mail your presentation to the designated conference email ID before traveling to the conference venue.
  • If you are unable to send the presentation (PPT or PDF), you can also load your presentation the day before your scheduled presentation at the registration desk after 6.00 PM.
  • The day before the conference, all presentations will be downloaded to your session room.
  • Any changes in the time slots for presentations will be informed before.
  • Usage of personal laptops is not recommended unless under unavoidable conditions

Before Presentation at the Conference:

  • The conference meeting room will be provided with an AV setup (slider with pointer, cordless mike, desktop mike, lapel, basic sound system).
  • Check your presentation before the session starts at the conference venue.
  • The presentation document must be named with first name, last name, date, and session.
  • After the presentation, wait till the question/ answer session gets over.
  • Once the presentation is completed, the PDF or PPT will be deleted permanently. In case you wish to keep it for the young researcher’s reference, the presentation library will be maintained by the SC organization.


  • Certificates will be given to all speakers as per our record. If any changes are there regarding Name and Affiliation, they should be informed to us before one month by email.

Guidelines for Poster Presentation

  • The language to be used for the presentation is English.
  • Poster dimensions: 1-meter x 1 meter
  • Poster numbers for the posters will be allotted in the final program.
  • 1-meter x 1-meter area, material to mount the poster will be provided for each presenter.
  • Poster mounting and removing after the session is the presenter’s responsibility.
  • The material for the poster preparation will not be available at the meeting site, so the presenter should prepare the poster in advance.
  • Announcement of best poster awards for poster presenters will be announced during or at the end of any of the conference days.
  • After the poster session, one should collect their poster, if not the posters will be disposed off.


  • Certificates will be given to all poster presenters as per our record. If any changes are there about Name and Affiliation etc., they should be informed to us a month before.
  • Co-authors who are not participating in the conference will not get the certificate.


  • E posters will be displayed on the conference website in case presenter is not able to attend the conference in person.

Guidelines for Video Presentation

  • Be a part of the Conference through video conference:
  • This opportunity is provided to certain exceptional cases (under-developed and developing countries, unexpected sickness and travel issues, and pandemic issues) which should be intimated to the conference organizers through email or contact us form in advance.
  • Participants can send the video to the concerned email ID of the conference and the video will be played on the screen during the conference as per the allotted session timings.

Guidelines for the video:

  • Language: English only
  • Duration of the video: 20 – 30 minutes
  • Images, graphs, tables, and video clippings can be used
  • The video should be compatible with all the systems.


  • Certificates will be given to all poster presenters as per our record. If any changes are there about Name and Affiliation etc., they should be informed to us a month before.

Guidelines for Virtual Presentation:

  • Presentation format: PDF or PPT. The content in each slide should be concise, uncluttered, and clear.
  • The language to be used for the presentation is English.
  • Share the presentation PPT one week before the conference.
  • Presentation is time-limited (usually 20-25 minutes), and the speakers are requested to strictly follow the time limit
  • Number of slides should be minimum, and the videos, if any, should be compressed.
  • Preferred font style: Times New Roman, Arial, Courier, and Symbol (These are best presented on Macs).
  • Make sure you have front light during the presentation.
  • Keep audio on mute except during presentation.
  • Certification: Attend the full conference and get the certificate at the end of the conference. Partial attendees will not get certificates.


  • Certificates will be given to all poster presenters as per our record. If any changes are there about Name and Affiliation etc., they should be informed to us a month before.

Registration Charges:

Please note that we are not profiting organization and that is the reason we kept the minimum charges for registrations. Also since we do not have the sponsors to support keynote/speakers charges, all conference attendees, including invited oral presenters/speakers, will be required to pay the registration fee. This fee is to defray meeting costs and all the accepted abstracts will be published in the associated journal as the conference proceedings at no additional charge to all the attendees.
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